Bits (Booleans)

Type signatures are provisional and may contain errors.

Sire has an incomplete type system. No type checks are enforced at this point. Type signatures are provided for the intended behavior.



Represents the boolean value true.

TRUE    == 1


Represents the boolean value false.

FALSE    == 0



(if x t e)
> x : Bool
> t : a
> e : a
> a

Conditional operation. If the condition is true (non-zero), returns the second argument, otherwise returns the third argument.

if 1 {yes} {no}    == %yes
if 0 {yes} {no}    == %no
if TRUE 1 2        == 1
if FALSE 1 2       == 2


(ifNot x t e)
> x : Bool
> t : a
> e : a
> a

Inverted conditional. If the condition is false (zero), returns the second argument, otherwise returns the third argument.

ifNot 1 {yes} {no}    == %no
ifNot 0 {yes} {no}    == %yes
ifNot TRUE 1 2        == 2
ifNot FALSE 1 2       == 1


(ifz x t e)
> x : a
> t : a
> e : a
> a

Conditional based on zero. If the first argument is zero, returns the second argument, otherwise returns the third argument.

ifz 0 b#zero b#nonzero     == b#zero
ifz 1 b#zero b#nonzero     == b#nonzero
ifz 42 b#zero b#nonzero    == b#nonzero


(ifNonZero x t e)
> x : a
> t : a
> e : a
> a

Conditional based on non-zero. If the first argument is non-zero, returns the second argument, otherwise returns the third argument.

ifNonZero 0 b#zero b#nonzero     == b#nonzero
ifNonZero 1 b#zero b#nonzero     == b#zero
ifNonZero 42 b#zero b#nonzero    == b#zero


Identity function, used to improve readability in conditional expressions.

else 10    == 10

Bit Operations


(bit x)
> x : Bool
> Bool

Converts a value to a bit (0 or 1).

bit 0        == 0
bit 1        == 1
bit 42       == 1
bit FALSE    == 0
bit NIL      == 0


(not x)
> x : Bool
> Bool

Logical NOT operation.

not 0        == 1
not 1        == 0
not 42       == 0
not FALSE    == 1
not TRUE     == 0


(and x y)
> x : Bool
> y : Bool
> Bool

Logical AND operation.

and 0 0           == 0
and 0 1           == 0
and 1 0           == 0
and 1 1           == 1
and TRUE FALSE    == 0
and TRUE TRUE     == 1


(or x y)
> x : Bool
> y : Bool
> Bool

Logical OR operation.

or 0 0            == 0
or 0 1            == 1
or 1 0            == 1
or 1 1            == 1
or TRUE FALSE     == 1
or FALSE FALSE    == 0


(xor x y)
> x : Bool
> y : Bool
> Bool

Logical XOR (exclusive OR) operation.

xor 0 0           == 0
xor 0 1           == 1
xor 1 0           == 1
xor 1 1           == 0
xor TRUE FALSE    == 1
xor TRUE TRUE     == 0


(nand x y)
> x : Bool
> y : Bool
> Bool

Logical NAND (NOT AND) operation.

nand 0 0           == 1
nand 0 1           == 1
nand 1 0           == 1
nand 1 1           == 0
nand TRUE FALSE    == 1
nand TRUE TRUE     == 0


(nor x y)
> x : Bool
> y : Bool
> Bool

Logical NOR (NOT OR) operation.

nor 0 0            == 1
nor 0 1            == 0
nor 1 0            == 0
nor 1 1            == 0
nor TRUE FALSE     == 0
nor FALSE FALSE    == 1


(xnor x y)
> x : Bool
> y : Bool
> Bool

Logical XNOR (NOT XOR) operation.

xnor 0 0           == 1
xnor 0 1           == 0
xnor 1 0           == 0
xnor 1 1           == 1
xnor TRUE FALSE    == 0
xnor TRUE TRUE     == 1

Last updated