Type signatures are provisional and may contain errors.
A tab is a data-jetted map from noun to noun.
(tabSing key val)
> key : a
> val : b
> Tab a
Creates a singleton table with one key-value pair.
tabSing 1 2 == [1=2]
tabSing {a} {b} == [a=(%b)]
tabSing 0 [] == [0=[]]
(isTab x)
> x : a
> Bool
Checks if the given value is a table.
isTab #[] == 1
isTab #[x=3 y=4] == 1
isTab [] == 0
(tabSearchCase key t d k)
> key : a
> t : Tab a b
> d : c
> k : (Nat > b > c)
> c
Inline function that finds the index of a key within a table. Returns a continuation with the associated value.
tabSearchCase 1 #[1=3 2=4] {nf} (ix v & [ix v]) == [0 3]
tabSearchCase 2 #[1=3 2=4] {nf} (ix v & [ix v]) == [1 4]
tabSearchCase 3 #[1=3 2=4] {nf} (ix v & [ix v]) == %nf
(tabLen t)
> t : Tab a
> Nat
Returns the number of key-value pairs in a table.
tabLen #[] == 0
tabLen #[x=0] == 1
tabLen #[x=0 y=1] == 2
(tabIdx key t)
> key : a
> t : Tab a
> b
Retrieves the value associated with a given key in a table.
tabIdx 0 #[0=8] == 8
tabIdx %aa #(bb=8, aa=9) == 9
tabIdx 3 #[1=4 2=5] == 0
(tabKeysSet t)
> t : Tab a
> Set a
Returns the set of keys in a table.
tabKeysSet #[1=3 2=4] == %[1 2]
tabKeysSet #[] == %[]
tabKeysSet #[a=1 b=2] == %[a b]
(tabKeysRow t)
> t : Tab a
> Row a
Returns the row of keys in a table.
tabKeysRow #[3=3 4=4] == [3 4]
tabKeysRow #[] == []
tabKeysRow #[a=1 b=2] == [%a %b]
(tabKeysList t)
> t : Tab a
> List a
Returns the list of keys in a table.
tabKeysList #[3=3 4=4] == [3 [4 0]]
tabKeysList #[] == 0
tabKeysList #[a=1 b=2] == [%a [%b 0]]
(tabHas key t)
> key : a
> t : Tab a
> Bool
Checks if a key exists in a table.
tabHas %aa #(bb=8, aa=9) == 1
tabHas %cc #(bb=8, aa=9) == 0
tabHas 1 #[1=4 2=5] == 1
(tabGet t key)
> t : Tab a
> key : a
> b
Retrieves the value associated with a given key in a table.
tabGet #[1=4 2=5] 1 == 4
tabGet #[1=4 2=5] 2 == 5
tabGet #[1=4 2=5] 3 == 0
(tabValsRow t)
> t : Tab a
> Row b
Returns the row of values in a table.
tabValsRow #[3=3 4=4] == [3 4]
tabValsRow #[] == []
tabValsRow #[a=1 b=2] == [1 2]
(tabValsList t)
> t : Tab a
> List b
Returns the list of values in a table.
tabValsList #[3=3 4=4] == [3 [4 0]]
tabValsList #[] == 0
tabValsList #[a=1 b=2] == [1 [2 0]]
(tabSwitch key d t)
> key : a
> d : b
> t : Tab b
> b
Looks up a key in a table, returning a default value if not found.
tabSwitch 1 {not found} #[1=3 2=4] == 3
tabSwitch 2 {not found} #[1=3 2=4] == 4
tabSwitch 3 {not found} #[1=3 2=4] == 0
(tabFromPairs xs)
> xs : Row (a, b)
> Tab a
Creates a table from a row of key-value pairs.
tabFromPairs [[3 8] [5 9]] == [3=8 5=9]
tabFromPairs [[5 9] [3 8]] == [3=8 5=9]
tabFromPairs [[3 7] [3 8] [5 9]] == [3=8 5=9]
(tabFromAscPairs xs)
> xs : Row (a, b)
> Tab a
Creates a table from an ascending row of key-value pairs.
tabFromAscPairs [[1 4] [2 5] [3 6]] == [1=4 2=5 3=6]
tabFromAscPairs [] == []
tabFromAscPairs [[a 1] [b 2]] == [a=1 b=2]
(tabToPairs t)
> t : Tab a
> Row (a, b)
Converts a table to a row of key-value pairs.
tabToPairs #[1=4 2=5 3=6] == [[1 4] [2 5] [3 6]]
tabToPairs #[] == []
tabToPairs #[a=1 b=2] == [[a 1] [b 2]]
(tabToPairList t)
> t : Tab a
> List (a, b)
Converts a table to a list of key-value pairs.
tabToPairList #[3=8 5=9] == [[3 8] [[5 9] 0]]
tabToPairList #[] == 0
tabToPairList #[a=1] == [[%a 1] 0]
(tabToList t)
> t : Tab a
> List (a, b)
Converts a table to a list of key-value pairs.
tabToList #[3=8 5=9] == [[3 8] [5 9] 0]
tabToList #[] == 0
tabToList #[a=1 b=2] == [[%a 1] [%b 2] 0]
(tabPut t key val)
> t : Tab a
> key : a
> val : b
> Tab a
Inserts or updates a key-value pair in a table.
tabPut #[1=3 2=4] 1 5 == [1=5 2=4]
tabPut #[1=3 2=4] 3 5 == [1=3 2=4 3=5]
tabPut #[] 1 5 == [1=5]
(tabFromPairsList xs)
> xs : List (a, b)
> Tab a
Creates a table from a list of key-value pairs.
tabFromPairsList ~[[3 8] [5 9]] == [3=8 5=9]
tabFromPairsList 0 == []
tabFromPairsList ~[[%a 1] [%b 2]] == [a=1 b=2]
(tabIns key val t)
> key : a
> val : b
> t : Tab a
> Tab a
Inserts a key-value pair into a table.
tabIns 3 3 #[3=4] == [3=3]
tabIns 4 4 #[3=4] == [3=4 4=4]
tabIns 0 0 #[] == [0=0]
(tabIsEmpty t)
> t : Tab a
> Bool
Checks if a table is empty.
tabIsEmpty #[] == 1
tabIsEmpty #[1=2] == 0
tabIsEmpty #[a=1 b=2] == 0
(tabDel key t)
> key : a
> t : Tab a
> Tab a
Deletes a key-value pair from a table.
tabDel 1 #[1=3 2=4] == [2=4]
tabDel 3 #[1=3 2=4] == [1=3 2=4]
tabDel %a #[a=1 b=2] == [b=2]
(tabPop t)
> t : Tab a
> (a, b, Tab a)
Removes and returns the first key-value pair from a table along with the remaining table.
tabPop #[1=3 2=4] == [1 3 [2=4]]
tabPop #[a=1] == [%a 1 #[]]
tabPop #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == [%a 1 [b=2 c=3]]
(tabSplitAt i t)
> i : Nat
> t : Tab a
> (Tab a, Tab a)
Splits a table into two tables at a given index.
tabSplitAt 1 #[1=3 2=4 3=5] == [[1=3] [2=4 3=5]]
tabSplitAt 0 #[1=3 2=4] == [#[] [1=3 2=4]]
tabSplitAt 2 #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == [[a=1 b=2] [c=3]]
(tabSplitLT k t)
> k : a
> t : Tab a
> (Tab a, Tab a)
Splits a table into two tables based on a key.
tabSplitLT 2 #[1=3 2=4 3=5] == [[1=3] [2=4 3=5]]
tabSplitLT 0 #[1=3 2=4] == [#[] [1=3 2=4]]
tabSplitLT %b #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == [[a=1] [b=2 c=3]]
(tabAlter f key t)
> f : (Maybe a > Maybe b)
> key : a
> t : Tab a
> Tab a
Applies a function to the value associated with a key, potentially inserting or deleting the key-value pair.
tabAlter (v & SOME (inc v)) 1 #[1=3 2=4] == [1=1 2=4]
tabAlter (v & NONE) 1 #[1=3 2=4] == [2=4]
tabAlter (v & SOME 5) 3 #[1=3 2=4] == [1=3 2=4 3=5]
(tabMapWithKey f t)
> f : (a > a > a)
> t : Tab a
> Tab a
Applies a function to each key-value pair in a table.
tabMapWithKey (k v & add k v) #[1=3 2=4] == [1=4 2=6]
tabMapWithKey (k v & [k v]) #[a=1 b=2] == [a=[%a 1] b=[%b 2]]
tabMapWithKey (k v & inc v) #[] == #[]
(tabMap f t)
> f : (a > a)
> t : Tab a
> Tab a
Applies a function to each value in a table.
tabMap inc #[1=3 2=4] == [1=4 2=5]
tabMap (mul 2) #[a=1 b=2] == [a=2 b=4]
tabMap id #[] == #[]
(tabUnionWith f t1 t2)
> f : (a > a > a)
> t1 : Tab a
> t2 : Tab a
> Tab a
Merges two tables, using a function to resolve conflicts.
tabUnionWith add #[1=1 2=2] #[2=20 3=30] == [1=1 2=22 3=30]
tabUnionWith const #[a=1 b=2] #[b=20 c=30] == [a=1 b=2 c=30]
tabUnionWith (x y & LEFT [x y]) #[1=(RIGHT 10)] #[1=(RIGHT 11) 2=(RIGHT 12)] == [1=(LEFT [10 11]) 2=(RIGHT 12)]
(tabUnion t1 t2)
> t1 : Tab a
> t2 : Tab a
> Tab a
Merges two tables, with left-biased conflict resolution.
tabUnion #[1=1 2=2] #[2=20 3=30] == [1=1 2=2 3=30]
tabUnion #[a=1 b=2] #[b=20 c=30] == [a=1 b=2 c=30]
tabUnion #[] #[1=10 2=20] == [1=10 2=20]
(tabWeld t1 t2)
> t1 : Tab a
> t2 : Tab a
> Tab a
Alias for tabUnion. Merges two tables, with left-biased conflict resolution.
tabWeld #[1=1 2=2] #[2=20 3=30] == [1=1 2=2 3=30]
tabWeld #[a=1 b=2] #[b=20 c=30] == [a=1 b=2 c=30]
tabWeld #[] #[1=10 2=20] == [1=10 2=20]
(tabCatRow xs)
> xs : Row (Tab a)
> Tab a
Merges a row of tables into a single table, with left-biased conflict resolution.
tabCatRow [#[1=1] #[2=2] #[3=3]] == [1=1 2=2 3=3]
tabCatRow [#[a=1 b=2] #[b=20 c=30] #[]] == [a=1 b=2 c=30]
tabCatRow [] == #[]
(tabLookup key t)
> key : a
> t : Tab a
> Maybe a
Looks up a key in a table, returning a Maybe value.
tabLookup 1 #[1=3 2=4] == (0 3) ; SOME
tabLookup 2 #[1=3 2=4] == (0 4) ; SOME
tabLookup 3 #[1=3 2=4] == 0 ; NONE
(tabMinKey t)
> t : Tab a
> a
Returns the smallest key in a table.
tabMinKey #[3=30 1=10 2=20] == 1
tabMinKey #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == %a
tabMinKey #[z=26] == %z
(tabFoldlWithKey f acc t)
> f : (a > b)
> acc : b
> t : Tab a
> b
Folds over a table, applying a function to each key-value pair and an accumulator.
tabFoldlWithKey (acc k v & add acc (mul k v)) 0 #[1=3 2=4] == 11
tabFoldlWithKey (acc k v & weld acc [k v]) [] #[a=1 b=2] == [%a 1 %b 2]
tabFoldlWithKey (acc k v & inc acc) 0 #[] == 0
(tabElemIdx i t)
> i : Nat
> t : Tab a
> Row a
Returns the index of a key-value pair in a table, treating it as an array.
tabElemIdx 0 #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == [%a 1]
tabElemIdx 1 #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == [%b 2]
tabElemIdx 3 #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == 0
An empty table constant.
emptyTab == #[]
tabIsEmpty emptyTab == 1
tabUnion emptyTab #[1=2] == [1=2]
(tabInsWith f key val t)
> f : (a > a > b)
> key : a
> val : b
> t : Tab a
> Tab a
Inserts a key-value pair into a table, using a function to combine values if the key already exists.
tabInsWith add 1 6 #[1=3 2=4] == [1=9 2=4]
tabInsWith const 1 6 #[1=3 2=4] == [1=6 2=4]
tabInsWith (x y & [x y]) 3 6 #[1=3] == [1=3 3=6]
(tabFilterWithKey f t)
> f : (a > b > Bool)
> t : Tab a
> Tab a
Filters a table based on a predicate function applied to each key-value pair.
tabFilterWithKey (k v & even k) #[1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4] == [2=2 4=4]
tabFilterWithKey (k v & eql k v) #[a=1 b=2 c=3] == #[]
tabFilterWithKey (k v & gth v 2) #[a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4] == [c=3 d=4]