
Pads are bit-strings encoded as non-zero natural numbers. Pads are not data-jetted, since the direct nat works perfectly. Pads are encoded least-significant-bit-first, with the high bit used to indicate the end of the bit-array.

p#{}          == 0b1 ; 1
p#{00}        == 0b100 ; 4
p#{01}        == 0b110 ; 6
p#{111000}    == 0b1000111 ; %G

All of the pad operations coerce their inputs into pads, and always return pads.

The REPL will print pads as their natural number representation by default. Use padShowLit to coerce the output into the bit-string format used here.


Represents an empty pad.

emptyPad    == 1


Coerces a value into a non-zero natural number (pad).

toPad 0     == 1
toPad 1     == 1
toPad 3     == 3


Converts a pad to a natural number, dropping all trailing zeros.

padNat p#0      == 0
padNat p#1      == 1
padNat p#100    == 1


Converts a natural number into a pad with a specific minimum bit-width.

natPad 1 3    == p#100
natPad 2 4    == p#0100
natPad 3 2    == p#11


Returns the length of a pad (number of bits).

padLen p#0       == 1
padLen p#1       == 1
padLen p#1010    == 4


Concatenates two pads.

padWeld p#10 p#11      == p#1011
padWeld p#0 p#1        == p#01
padWeld p#111 p#000    == p#111000


Concatenates a row of pads.

padCat [p#1 p#0 p#11]    == p#1011
padCat [p#10 p#01]       == p#1001
padCat []                == p#{}


Flattens and concatenates a nested structure of pads.

padFlat [[p#1 p#0] [p#1 p#1]]    == p#1011
padFlat [p#10 p#11]              == p#1011
padFlat [[[]] []]                == p#{}


Splits a pad at a given index.

padSplitAt 2 p#1111    == [p#11 p#11]
padSplitAt 1 p#1010    == [p#1 p#010]
padSplitAt 3 p#1001    == [p#100 p#1]


Returns the nth bit from a pad.

padIdx 0 p#1010    == 1
padIdx 1 p#1010    == 0
padIdx 3 p#1010    == 0


Alias for padIdx, but with arguments flipped.

padGet p#1010 0    == 1
padGet p#1010 1    == 0
padGet p#1010 3    == 0


Sets the nth bit in a pad using a Bit.

padSet p#0000 2 1    == p#0010
padSet p#1111 1 0    == p#1011
padSet p#1010 3 1    == p#1011


Maps a function over the bits in a pad, providing both the index and the bit value.

padMapWithKey (k b & if even-k b not-b) p#0000    == p#0101
padMapWithKey (k b & if even-k b not-b) p#1111    == p#1010
padMapWithKey (k b & add k b) p#1010              == p#1111


Maps a function over the bits in a pad, coercing outputs to bits.

padMap not p#1010          == p#0101
padMap (add 1) p#1010      == p#1111
padMap (const 0) p#1111    == p#0000


Complements all bits in a pad.

padComplement p#1010    == p#0101
padComplement p#1111    == p#0000
padComplement p#0000    == p#1111


Converts a pad to its string representation.

showPadStr p#1010    == {0101}
showPadStr p#1000    == {0001}
showPadStr p#{}      == 0


Converts a pad to its Rex literal representation.

showPadLit p#1010    == p#0101
showPadLit p#1000    == p#0001
showPadLit p#{}      == p#{}

Last updated