
Lists are zero-terminated, nested row 2-tuples. They are declared by prepending a ~ to what looks like row syntax, like this: ~[] (in the REPL we have to wrap this in parentheses):



Evaluates to 0.

NIL    == 0    ; the empty list


(CONS x xs)
> x  : a
> xs : List a
> List a

Constructs a new list by adding an element to the front of an existing list.

CONS 1 NIL                    == [1 0]            ; a list with one element
CONS b#a (CONS b#b NIL)       == [b#a [b#a 0]]    ; a list with two elements
CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL))  == [1 [2 [3 0]]]    ; a list with three elements


(listCase xs d k)
> xs : List a
> d  : a
> k  : a
> a

Pattern matches on a list, providing cases for empty and non-empty lists.

listCase ~[1 69 420 1337] 9001 listIdx    == 420


(listSing x)
> x : a
> List a

Creates a singleton list containing one element.

listSing 5          == [5 0]
listSing b#hello    == [b#hello 0]
listSing []         == [[] 0]


(listMap f xs)
> f  : (a > b)
> xs : List a
> List b

Applies a function to every element of a list.

listMap (mul 2) ~[1 2 3]                 == [2 [4 [6 0]]]
listMap isNat (CONS 3 (CONS b#a NIL))    == [1 [0 0]]
listMap id NIL                           == 0 ; NIL


(listForEach xs f)
> xs : List a
> f  : (a > b)
> List b

Alias for listMap. Applies a function to every element of a list.

listForEach (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL))) (mul 2)    == [2 [4 [6 0]]]
listForEach (~[3 [b#a 0]]) isNat                      == [1 [0 0]]
listForEach NIL id                                    == NIL


(listHead xs)
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the first element of a list.

listHead (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL))    == (0 2)
listHead (CONS b#a NIL)           == (0 b#a)
listHead NIL                      == 0


(listSafeHead d xs)
> d  : a
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the first element of a list, or a fallback value if the list is empty.

listSafeHead 0 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == 1
listSafeHead b#x (CONS b#a NIL)         == b#a
listSafeHead b#default NIL              == b#default


(listUnsafeHead xs)
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the first element of a list, otherwise 0. Unsafe if the list is empty.

listUnsafeHead (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == 1
listUnsafeHead (CONS b#a NIL)           == b#a
listUnsafeHead NIL                      == 0 ; NIL


(listUnsafeTail xs)
> xs : List a
> List a

Returns the tail of a list (all elements except the first). Unsafe if the list is empty.

listUnsafeTail (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == [2 0]
listUnsafeTail (CONS b#a NIL)           == 0
listUnsafeTail NIL                      == 0 ; NIL


(listIdxCps i xs d k)
> i  : Nat
> xs : List a
> d  : a
> k  : (a > b)
> a

Continuation-passing style function to get the element at a given index in a list.

listIdxCps 1 (CONS b#a (CONS b#b NIL)) b#{not found} id    == b#b
listIdxCps 0 (CONS 1 NIL) b#{not found} id                 == 1
listIdxCps 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)) b#{not found} id        == b#{not found}


(listIdxOr d i xs)
> d  : a
> i  : Nat
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the element at a given index in a list, or a fallback value if the index is out of bounds.

listIdxOr 0 1 (CONS b#a (CONS b#b NIL))       == b#b
listIdxOr b#z 99 (CONS b#a (CONS b#b NIL))    == b#z
listIdxOr b#default 0 NIL                     == b#default


(listIdx i xs)
> i  : Nat
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the element at a given index in a list, or 0 if the index is out of bounds.

listIdx 1 (CONS b#a (CONS b#b NIL))    == b#b
listIdx 0 (CONS 1 NIL)                 == 1
listIdx 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))        == 0


(listLastOr d xs)
> d  : a
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the last element of a list, or a fallback value if the list is empty.

listLastOr 0 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == 2
listLastOr b#z ~[b#a 0]               == 0
listLastOr b#z ~[]                    == b#z


(listUnsafeLast xs)
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the last element of a list. Unsafe if the list is empty.

listUnsafeLast (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == 2
listUnsafeLast (CONS b#a NIL)           == b#a
listUnsafeLast NIL                      == 0 ; NIL


(listLast xs)
> xs : List a
> a

Returns the last element of a list.

listLast (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == (0 2)
listLast ~[b#a]                   == (0 b#a)
listLast NIL                      == 0


(listFoldl f z xs)
> f  : (b > a > b)
> z  : b
> xs : List a
> b

Left-associative fold of a list.

listFoldl add 0 ~[1 2 3]                 == 6
listFoldl barWeld b#{} ~[b#a b#b b#c]    == b#abc
listFoldl (flip CONS) NIL ~[1 2 3]       == [3 [2 [1 0]]]


(listFoldl1 f xs)
> f  : (a > a > a)
> xs : List a
> a

Left-associative fold of a non-empty list, using the first element as the initial accumulator.

listFoldl1 add ~[2 3 4]                          == 9
listFoldl1 max (CONS 1 (CONS 5 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == 5
listFoldl1 barWeld ~[b#a b#b b#c]                == b#abc


(listFoldr f z xs)
> f  : (a > b > b)
> z  : b
> xs : List a
> b

Right-associative fold of a list.

listFoldr sub 0 (~[1 2 3])               == 1
listFoldr barWeld b#{} ~[b#a b#b b#c]    == b#abc
listFoldr (flip CONS) NIL ~[1 2 3]       == [[[0 3] 2] 1]


(listLen xs)
> xs : List a
> Nat

Computes the length of a list.

listLen (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == 3
listLen (CONS b#a NIL)                    == 1
listLen NIL                               == 0


(listToRow xs)
> xs : List a
> Row a

Converts a list to a row.

listToRow ~[1 2 3]  == [1 2 3]
listToRow (CONS b#a (CONS b#b NIL))       == [b#a b#b]
listToRow NIL                             == []


(sizedListToRow n xs)
> n  : Nat
> xs : List a
> Row a

Converts a list to a row of a specified size, padding with zeros if necessary.

sizedListToRow 3 ~[1 2]                            == [1 2 0]
sizedListToRow 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == [1 2]
sizedListToRow 4 NIL                               == [0 0 0 0]


(sizedListToRowRev n xs)
> n  : Nat
> xs : List a
> Row a

Converts a list to a row of a specified size in reverse order, padding with zeros if necessary.

sizedListToRowRev 3 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == [0 2 1]
sizedListToRowRev 2 ~[1 2 3]                 == [2 1]
sizedListToRowRev 4 NIL                      == [0 0 0 0]


(listToRowRev xs)
> xs : List a
> Row a

Converts a list to a row in reverse order.

listToRowRev (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == [3 2 1]
listToRowRev (~[b#a b#b])                      == [b#b b#a]
listToRowRev NIL                               == []


(listFromRow xs)
> xs : Row a
> List a

Converts a row to a list.

listFromRow [1 2 3]       == [1 [2 [3 0]]]
listFromRow [b#a b#b]     == [b#a [b#b 0]]
listFromRow (gen 4 id)    == [0 [1 [2 [3 0]]]]


(listAnd xs)
> xs : List Bool
> Bool

Returns TRUE if all elements in the list are TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

listAnd (CONS TRUE (CONS TRUE NIL))     == 1 ; TRUE
listAnd (CONS TRUE (CONS FALSE NIL))    == 0 ; FALSE
listAnd NIL                             == 1 ; TRUE


(listOr xs)
> xs : List Bool
> Bool

Returns TRUE if any element in the list is TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

listOr (CONS FALSE (CONS TRUE NIL))    == 1 ; TRUE
listOr ~[FALSE 0]                      == 0 ; FALSE
listOr NIL                             == 0 ; FALSE


(listSum xs)
> xs : List Nat
> Nat

Computes the sum of all elements in a list of numbers.

listSum (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == 6
listSum (~[1 2 3])                        == 6
listSum NIL                               == 0


(listAll f xs)
> f  : (a > Bool)
> xs : List a
> Bool

Returns TRUE if all elements in the list satisfy the given predicate.

listAll even (CONS 2 (CONS 4 (CONS 6 NIL)))    == 1 ; TRUE
listAll (gte 1) (~[1 2 3])                     == 0 ; FALSE
listAll id NIL                                 == 1 ; TRUE


(listAllEql xs)
> xs : List a
> Bool

Returns TRUE if all elements in the list are equal.

listAllEql (CONS 1 (CONS 1 (CONS 1 NIL)))    == 1 ; TRUE
listAllEql (~[b#a b#a])                      == 1 ; TRUE
listAllEql (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))             == 0 ; FALSE


(listAny f xs)
> f  : (a > Bool)
> xs : List a
> Bool

Returns TRUE if any element in the list satisfies the given predicate.

listAny odd (CONS 2 (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL)))    == 1 ; TRUE
listAny (gte 0) (~[1 2 3])                    == 0 ; FALSE
listAny id NIL                                == 0 ; FALSE


(listHas e xs)
> e  : a
> xs : List a
> Bool

Checks if a list contains a specific element.

listHas 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))  == 1 ; TRUE
listHas b#a (CONS b#b (CONS b#c NIL))     == 0 ; FALSE
listHas 1 NIL                             == 0 ; FALSE


(listEnumFrom x)
> x : Nat
> List a

Creates an infinite list of consecutive integers starting from a given number.

listTake 5 (listEnumFrom 1)    == [1 [2 [3 [4 [5 0]]]]]
listHead (listEnumFrom 10)     == (0 10) ; SOME
listIdx 1 (listEnumFrom 7)     == 8


(listWeld xs ys)
> xs : List a
> ys : List a
> List a

Concatenates two lists.

listWeld (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)) (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL))    == [1 [2 [3 [4 0]]]]
listWeld ~[b#a] ~[b#b]                                  == [b#a [b#b 0]]
listWeld NIL (CONS 1 NIL)                               == [1 0]


(listCat xss)
> xss : List (List a)
> List a

Concatenates a list of lists into a single list.

listCat ~[~[1 2] ~[3]]               == [1 [2 [3 0]]]
listCat (CONS NIL (CONS NIL NIL))    == 0 ; NIL


(listCatMap f xs)
> f  : (a > List b)
> xs : List a
> List b

Applies a function to all elements in a list and concatenates the results.

listCatMap (x & ~[x x]) ~[1 2]      == [1 [1 [2 [2 0]]]]
listCatMap (x & ~[x]) ~[b#a b#b]    == [b#a [b#b 0]]
listCatMap (x & ~[]) ~[1 2 3]       == 0 ; NIL


(listTake n xs)
> n  : Nat
> xs : List a
> List a

Takes the first n elements from a list.

listTake 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == [1 [2 0]]
listTake 3 ~[1 2]                            == [1 [2 0]]
listTake 0 (CONS 1 NIL)                      == 0 ; NIL


(listDrop n xs)
> n  : Nat
> xs : List a
> List a

Drops the first n elements from a list.

listDrop 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == [3 0]
listDrop 3 ~[1 2]                            == 0 ; NIL
listDrop 0 (CONS 1 NIL)                      == [1 0]


(listTakeWhile f xs)
> f  : (a > Bool)
> xs : List a
> List a

Takes elements from the front of a list while they satisfy a predicate.

listTakeWhile (gte 2) (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL))))    == [1 [2 0]]
listTakeWhile even ~[2 4 5 6]                                    == [2 [4 0]]
listTakeWhile (const TRUE) NIL                                   == 0 ; NIL


(listDropWhile f xs)
> f  : (a > Bool)
> xs : List a
> List a

Drops elements from the front of a list while they satisfy a predicate.

listDropWhile (gte 2) (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL))))    == [3 [4 0]]
listDropWhile even ~[2 4 5 6]                                    == [5 [6 0]]
listDropWhile (const TRUE) NIL                                   == 0 ; NIL


(listZipWith f xs ys)
> f  : (a > a > b)
> xs : List a
> ys : List a
> List b

Combines two lists element-wise using a given function.

listZipWith add (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)) (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL))    == [4 [6 0]]
listZipWith v2 ~[1 2 3] ~[4 5]                                 == [[1 4] [[2 5] 0]]
listZipWith mul NIL (CONS 1 NIL)                               == 0 ; NIL


(listZip xs ys)
> xs : List a
> ys : List a
> List (a, a)

Combines two lists into a list of pairs.

listZip (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)) (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL))    == [[1 3] [[2 4] 0]]
listZip ~[1 2 3] ~[4 5]                                == [[1 4] [[2 5] 0]]
listZip NIL (CONS 1 NIL)                               == 0 ; NIL


(listFilter f xs)
> f  : (a > Bool)
> xs : List a
> List a

Keeps only the elements of a list that satisfy a predicate.

listFilter even (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL))))    == [2 [4 0]]
listFilter (lte 3) ~[1 2 3 4 5]                            == [3 [4 [5 0]]]
listFilter (const TRUE) NIL                                == 0 ; NIL


(listIsEmpty xs)
> xs : List a
> Bool

Checks if a list is empty.

listIsEmpty NIL                      == 1 ; TRUE
listIsEmpty (CONS 1 NIL)             == 0 ; FALSE
listIsEmpty (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL))    == 0 ; FALSE


(listMinimumOn f x xs)
> f  : (a > Nat)
> x  : a
> xs : List a
> a

Finds the minimum element in a list based on a comparison function.

listMinimumOn len [456] ~[[5 2 9] [2 9] [1 9]]    == [456]
listMinimumOn len [456] ~[[5 2 9] [] [1 9]]       == []
listMinimumOn len [456] ~[[5 2 9] [2] [1 9]]      == [456]


(listSortOn f xs)
> f  : (a > b)
> xs : List a
> List b

Sorts a list based on a key function.

listSortOn id (CONS 3 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)))    == [1 [2 [3 0]]]
listSortOn (div 1) ~[1 2 3]                     == [3 [2 [1 0]]]
listSortOn len ~[[1 2] [3] [4 5 6]]             == [[3] [[1 2] [[4 5 6] 0]]]


(listNub xs)
> xs : List a
> List a

Removes duplicate elements from a list, keeping only the first occurrence.

listNub (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 3 NIL))))    == [1 [2 [3 0]]]
listNub ~[3 2 1 2 1]                               == [3 [2 [1 0]]]
listNub NIL                                        == 0 ; NIL


(listIterate f x)
> f : (a > a)
> x : a
> List a

Generates an infinite list by repeatedly applying a function to an initial value.

listTake 5 (listIterate inc 0)        == [0 [1 [2 [3 [4 0]]]]]
listTake 3 (listIterate (mul 2) 1)    == [1 [2 [4 0]]]
listTake 0 (listIterate id 1)         == 0 ; NIL


(listGen n f)
> n : Nat
> f : (a > a)
> List a

Generates a list of n elements using a given function.

listGen 3 id             == [0 [1 [2 0]]]
listGen 4 (const b#a)    == [b#a [b#a [b#a [b#a 0]]]]
listGen 0 (const 1)      == 0 ; NIL


(listRep e n)
> e : a
> n : Nat
> List a

Generates a list of n copies of a given element.

listRep 1 3      == [1 [1 [1 0]]]
listRep b#a 2    == [b#a [b#a 0]]
listRep 0 0      == 0 ; NIL


(listFindIndex f xs d m)
> f  : (a > b)
> xs : List a
> d  : b
> k  : (Nat > b)
> a

Finds the index of the first element in a list that satisfies a predicate. If there is none, the third argument is returned. If there is one, then its index is passed as an argument to the fourth argument.

listFindIndex eql-10 ~[1 2 3] b#NONE _&(b#SOME)     == b#NONE
listFindIndex (eql b#a) ~[b#b b#a b#c] NONE SOME    == (0 1) ; SOME
listFindIndex (const FALSE) ~[1 2 3] NONE SOME      == 0 ; NONE


(listElemIndex e xs d k)
> e  : a
> xs : List a
> d  : b
> k  : (a > b)
> b

Finds the index of the first occurrence of an element in a list.

listElemIndex 2 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL))) NONE SOME    == (0 1)
listElemIndex b#a ~[b#b b#c b#c b#a] NONE SOME              == (0 3)
listElemIndex 4 ~[1 2 3] NONE SOME                          == 0


(listIsPrefixOf xs ys)
> xs : List a
> ys : List a
> Bool

Checks if one list is a prefix of another list.

listIsPrefixOf (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)) (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == 1 ; TRUE
listIsPrefixOf ~[1 2] ~[1 2 3]                                         == 1 ; TRUE
listIsPrefixOf ~[1 2] ~[2 1]                                           == 0 ; FALSE


Searches for all occurrences of a list satisfying a predicate and returns their indices and the remaining lists.



Searches for all occurrences of a substring in a list and returns their indices and the remaining lists.



(listIndexed xs)
> xs : List a
> List (Row a)

Pairs each element in a list with its index.

listIndexed (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == [[0 1] [[1 2] [[2 3] 0]]]
listIndexed ~[b#a b#b]                        == [[0 b#a] [[1 b#b] 0]]
listIndexed NIL                               == 0 ; NIL


(listIntersperse e xs)
> e  : a
> xs : List a
> List a

Intersperses an element between every element of a list.

listIntersperse 0 (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == [1 [0 [2 [0 [3 0]]]]]
listIntersperse b#a ~[b#b]                          == [b#b 0]
listIntersperse 0 NIL                               == 0 ; NIL


(listRev xs)
> xs : List a
> List a

Reverses a list.

listRev (CONS 1 (CONS 2 (CONS 3 NIL)))    == [3 [2 [1 0]]]
listRev ~[b#a b#b]                        == [b#b [b#a 0]]
listRev NIL                               == 0 ; NIL


(listSnoc xs e)
> xs : List a
> e  : a
> List a

Adds an element to the end of a list.

listSnoc (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)) 3    == [1 [2 [3 0]]]
listSnoc ~[b#a] b#b                 == [b#a [b#b 0]]
listSnoc NIL 1                      == [1 0]


(listProd xs ys)
> xs : List a
> ys : List b
> List (Row a b)

Computes the Cartesian product of two lists.

listProd (CONS 1 (CONS 2 NIL)) (CONS 3 (CONS 4 NIL))    == [[1 3] [[1 4] [[2 3] [[2 4] 0]]]]
listProd ~[1 2] ~[b#a b#b]                              == [[1 b#a] [[1 b#b] [[2 b#a] [[2 b#b] 0]]]]
listProd NIL (CONS 1 NIL)                               == 0 ; NIL

Last updated