Some Standard Library

Document Type: Reference

Our goal at this point is to get you familiar with enough of the Sire standard library that you can write a basic cog. As such, this is not an exhaustive reference but an overview of common functions.

Feel free to skim this section for now and come back to it as needed while you work through the rest of the docs.


This is a printf, a console.log.

; input:
| trk %hello
| inc 1

; output:
%hello ; the logged message
2      ; the result of inc 1

trk prints its first argument. Its second argument is typically the rest of the function we're currently defining. If we were to give trk a Haskelly type signature, it would be trk : a -> b -> b and we would say that it prints a and returns b. That's why in this example we have to supply it with an (arbitrary) additional argument, the inc function. trk feels like it only takes a single argument when it is used in the "middle" of other lines of code, but since it does technically take a second argument, you can't just call it on its own or have it as the final line of a function. Most of the time you will use trk within other lines and you won't notice this caveat, but you should be aware of it.


Assertion. It takes two arguments and exists source file loading if they are not equal, otherwise it evaluates without issue.

;; I say 1 is equal to 2!
=?= 1 2

;; Sire says it isn't:
++ %crash
++ {Failed to Parse Sire}
++   `   # block
           =?= 1 2
         # where REPL:35
         # problem
           =?= 1 2
         # reason
           {++ {Failed to Parse Sire}
++   `   # block
           =?= 1 2
         # where REPL:35
         # problem
             * 1
             * 2
         # reason {ASSERTION FAILURE}

;; I say {hello} is equal to {hello}
=?= {hello} {hello}

;; The REPL agrees by not crashing and printing the assertion again
=?= {hello} {hello}


Basic arithmetic

We won't cover all the basic arithmetic functions because they're quite straightforward. Here is a list of the common operations: inc dec add sub mod mul div pow.


Prints a nat as a string. Mostly used in the REPL.

showNat 100

showNat "a"

showNat "aa"

For more information on Nat representations, read this.


Given a nat, returns its bar representation.

natBar 97



Given a bar, returns it as a nat.

barNat b#a
;; remember, this is the nat 97 but printed in stringified (ASCII) form

barNat x#1
barNat x#9
barNat x#a
;; x# is representing a byte-array as hexidecimal, in which the
;; decimal number 10 is represented as hex 'a'.


Given a bar, returns the length of the byte array.

barLen b#{}

barLen b#{a}

barLen b#{aaaaa}


Given a row of bars, return their concatenation.

= b1 b#{hello}
= b2 b#{world}

| barCat [b1 b#{ } b2]

;; returns:
 b#{hello world}


Similar to barCat, but operates on a list, rather than a row (note the ~ in ~[] below).

= b1 b#{hello}
= b2 b#{world}

| barCatList ~[b1 b#{ } b2]

;; returns:
 b#{hello world}

SOME, "Maybe"

Useful when you're not sure if you're going to have a value. "Maybes" are represented as a pair of (0 <your-thing>). This is called SOME in sire. For convenience, we also have NONE, which is really just the nat 0.

; bind "maybe 9..." to "som"
= som (SOME 9)

; bind the NONE representation to "non" for parity with above
= non NONE

; look at it:
(0 9)


Now we can do some operations on these:

isNone, isSome

isSome som
1 ; true

isSome non
0 ; false

isNone non
1 ; true

isNone som
0 ; false

fromSome, unpackSome

fromSome returns the value of the SOME, otherwise returns the first parameter.

fromSome {got nothin} som

fromSome {got nothin} non
{got nothin}

unpackSome also returns the value of the SOME, but doesn't have a guard - it just crashes if given a NONE

unpackSome som

unpackSome non

++ %crash
++ {Failed to Parse Sire}
++   `   # block
             | unpackSome non
         # where REPL:220
         # problem
             | unpackSome non
         # reason {[%die {Unexpected NONE}]


maybeCase takes a maybe, a guard for NONE and a function to call on the value in the case of a SOME.

; if we have a value, we'll call the increment function on it
; (remember our "som" maybe had the value 9)

maybeCase som {got nothing} inc

maybeCase non {got nothing} inc
{got nothing}


fmapMaybe takes a maybe and a function to call on it, but preserves the maybe form for the return value.

; continuing to use the increment example
fmapMaybe som inc
(0 10) ; a SOME

fmapMaybe non inc
0      ; a NONE


A tab is a map from noun to noun. A noun is a nat or a two-tuple. Like a dict in Haskell or Python.

Create a tab: #[] / tabFromPairs

To create a tab, you can use the tabFromPairs function or the #[] syntax. tabFromPairs accepts a row of pairs of nats for the keys and values, while #[] works more like a row of bindings.

= t | tabFromPairs [[{one} 1] [{two} 2] [{three} 3]]
;; returns:
t=[one=1 two=2 three=3]

;; using the #[] syntax:
= t #[{one}=1 {two}=2 {three}=3]
;; returns:
t=[one=1 two=2 three=3]

In the above example, one, two and three are string keys; 1 2 and 3 are nat values.

Caution: While any nat can be used for keys and values, you might run into syntax issues when using the #[] structure:

;; this is a valid tab:
= t | tabFromPairs [[b#{one} 1] [b#{two} 2]]

;; but the same keys/values will choke the #[] version:
= t | #[b#{one}=1 b#{two}=2]
++ %crash
++ {Failed to Parse Sire}

This comes down to syntax intricacies that we'll leave as an exercise to you to inspect, if you like. Use the tabFromPairs approach and you'll be okay.


Get the value at a key in a tab, return 0 if the key doesn't exist.

tabGet t {two}

tabGet t {i dont exist}


Similar to above, but returns maybes when hunting for keys in tabs

[one=1 two=2 three=3]

tabLookup {one} t
(0 1)

tabLookup t {noKey}

; we can apply fromSome to this:

fromSome {not found} | tabLookup {one} t

fromSome {not found} | tabLookup {noKey} t
{not found}

A few Row functions


Return a row of n length, generated by function passed. gen passes the item's indexes in the row to the function.

; give me a row with 10 members, calling the "id" function on each index
; ("id" just returns the value it was passed)

gen 10 id
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

gen 10 inc
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

gen 10 | mul 2
[0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18]


Apply a function to all values in a row

map inc [0 1 2 3]
[1 2 3 4]


Concatenate two rows

weld [1 2] [3 4]
[1 2 3 4]

Finding additional standard library functions

The entire "standard library" is defined in the consecutively-numbered sire/sire_<n>_<name>.sire files. If you're trying to complete some task and the functions described above don't help, there's a decent chance there's already a function defined in the standard library that will help.

Do a text-search on the *.sire files for a term that seems relevant (slice, sum, etc.) and look around nearby. Check out the list of imports at the top of the file to see what this file depends on. Consult the list of sire files below and skim the files that might seem useful. When first encountering a file we suggest you skim the list of exports at the bottom (after reading any initial comment at the very top) to get a sense of the functions this file exports. Often, the =?= test cases can be very helpful.

Rough explanation of the standard library files

Below is a summary of each of the standard library files. Particularly helpful ones for a beginner are annotated with a 👍. Files that require a more advanced understanding and can be skipped for now are annotated with a ❗. Most of these files primarily define lower-level dependencies that other higher-order (and easier to understand) subsequent functions rely on.

Taking a look at this list above, you can also get a sense of how the Sire source files start at the basics of wrapping PLAN and incrementally build on each other until the full system is realized. By starting with PLAN and going through all the files above, after a (relatively) small investment of time, you could understand the entirety of this computational model. Pretty cool.

Next we'll introduce some more advanced topics that you'll come across:

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